Page 9 - Terminology-Procedures
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Holter monitors (continuous ambulatory EKG): Are a type of                     M
        EKG. They record the heart rhythm over a period of time.

                                  I                             Magnetic  Resonance Imaging (MRI):  Is a specialized  X-ray
                                                                technique that uses powerful magnets to display the cross-sectional
                                                                anatomy of both soft and bony tissue.

        IgE allergen test:  Is a blood test that measures the levels of  Mucosal bleeding time (MBT, bleeding time): Is a crude test
        antibodies to different allerens that are present in the bloodstream.  of platelet  function,  vascular  (blood vessel)  function  and von
        IgE is the type of antibody involved in the allergic response.  Willebrand’s disease. A small, precise cut is made inside the dog’s
                                                                lip, and the time until a clot forms is measured. This test will help
        Intradermal allergen test (allergy  test): Is done to determine  the veterinarian decide if more specific testing is indicated.
        which allergens will cause a reaction. The hair is clipped from one
        side of the thorax and small amounts of many individual allergens  Mycoplasma culture: Is a test to determine if an infection is due
        are injected into the skin.                             to the mycoplasma organism. A sterile cotton swab is swiped in the
                                                                area and the contents are placed in a culture tube.
        Intravenous pyelogram: Is an X-ray study to identify the kidneys
        and the ureters. It involves the injection of a dye into the veins,  Myelography:  Is  an X-ray of the spinal cord following the
        followed by X-rays of the kidneys.                      injection of a contrast medium. This can help determine tumors or
                                                                trauma to the spinal cord or vertebra.
                                 J                                                      O

        Joint fluid analysis (joint tap): Is used to determine abnormalities
        in joint fluid.                                         Ocular ultrasound: Evaluates the back segment of the eye. An
                                                                ultrasound probe is placed on the eyeball using a topical anesthetic.
                                 K                              Oral bentiromide digestion test: Is used for diagnosing exocrine

                                                                pancreatic  insufficiency.  An  oral  bentiromide  test  substrate  is
                                                                given, and then blood samples are taken 60 to 90 minutes later.
        Keto-Diastix: A test for both glucose and ketones

        Ketostix: Test solely for urinary ketones.

                                 L                              Partial  thromboplastin time (PTT, activated partial

                                                                thromboplastin time {APTT}): Is a test used to determine blood
                                                                clotting abiltity (expressed in time).
        Laparotomy: Is an exploratory surgery that involves looking into
        the abdomen for abnormalities (such as foreign bodies, tumors,  Percussion:  Striking  the  fingers  on  a  body  surface  to  produce
        intestinal obstruction, gastric outflow obstruction) or to perform  sound.
        biopsies of abnormal tissues when the probability of abnormalities
        is high. This is an invasive “test” and required general anesthesia.  Pericardiocentesis:  Is  a puncture of the sac that surrounds the
                                                                heart. This is done to obtain fluid for examination, or to relieve
        Lead level test: Is a blood test used to determine the amount of  a  condition  called  cardiac  tamponade  (fluid  buildup  around  the
        lead (a toxic metal) to which a pet has been exposed.   heart).

        Lipase:  Is a pancreatic  enzyme  normally  present in small  Prothrombin time (PT): Is a test used to determine how quickly
        concentrations in the blood. A serum lipase level test is often done  blood clots.
        as part of a biochemistry blood profile.
                                                                Pulse oximetry (OX):  Is a method to determine  blood oxygen
        Liver function test: Determine liver function. It is often referred  levels.
        to  as either  serum  bile  acid  concentrations,  bile  acid  studies  or
        blood ammonia concentrations.

                                       TERMINOLOGY. VETERINARY TESTS & PROCEDURES                                  9
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