Page 2 - Glossary
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             Glossary – terminology

                    Glossary of HerBs tHerapeutic actions
                    Biomedical and traditional terminoloGy

                    Abortifacient:    Produces abortion.

                    Absorbent:        Promotes absorption.

                    Adaptogenic:      Decreases the harmful effects of stress.

                    Alterative:       Promotes healthy changes in the organism.

                    Analgesic:        Relieves pain.

                    Anaphrodisiac:    Subdues sexual desire.

                    Anesthetic:       Produces insensibility to pain.

                    Anodyne:          Relieves pain.

                    Anorectic:        An agent that suppresses appetite for food.

                    Antacid:          A substance which neutralizes stomach acidity.

                    Anthelmintic:     Destroys parasites.

                    Antibacterial:    Kills or prevents growth of bacteria.

                    Antibilious:      Prevent or cure biliousness caused by excessive secretion of bile.

                    Anti-catarrhal:    An agent that controls or cuts down on mucus production.

                    Antidote:         Counteracts effect of poison.

                    Antiemetic:       Prevents vomiting.

                    Antiepileptic:    An agent that combats the convulsions or seizures of epilepsy.

                    Antifibrotic:     Causing regression of fibrosis, or an agent that so acts.

                    Anti-fungal:      Inhibits growth or multiplication of, or destroys fungi.

                    Antigalactic:     Diminishes secretion of milk.

                    Antihypnotic:     Prevents sleep.

                    Anti-inflammatory:  Reduces inflammation.

                    Antilithic:       Preventing the formation of calculi or promoting their dissolution.

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