Page 4 - Glossary
P. 4

              Glossary – terminology

                    Cathartic:        Hastens or increases evacuation of the bowels.

                    Cholagogue:       Promotes the flow of bile into the intestine by contraction of the gallbladder.

                    Choleretic:       Stimulating bile production by the liver.

                    Demulcent:        Soothing to mucus membranes.

                    Dentifrice:       A substance, such as a paste or powder, for cleaning the teeth.

                    Deobstruent:      Removing obstructions; having power to clear or open the natural ducts of the fluids and
                                      secretions of the body; aperient.

                    Deodorant:        Removes/corrects foul odors.

                    Depuritive:       Removes impurities from the body, cleansing action.

                    Diaphoretic:      Having the power to increase sweating.

                    Digestant:        Aids in digestion.

                    Discutient:       Serving to disperse morbid matter; discussive; as, a discutient application.

                    Disinfectant:     Destroys the cause of infection.

                    Diuretic:         Increases secretion of urine.

                    Ecbolic:          Hastening labour or abortion.

                    Emetic:           Causes vomiting.

                    Emmenagogue:      Promotes menstruation.

                    Emollient:        Softening, soothing.

                    Epispastic:       Producing a serous discharge or a blister.

                    Errhine:          Promoting or inducing nasal discharge.

                    Exanthematous:    Characterized by or of the nature of an eruption or rash.

                    Expectorant:      Promotes mucus discharge from respiratory passages.

                    Febrifuge:        Reduces fever.

                    Galactagogue:     Promotes flow of milk in nursing mothers.

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