Page 10 - Canine-Terminology
P. 10

Foundation Black Mouth Cur from Texas, Ladner Yellow Black  Application.
        Mouth Cur from Mississippi, and the Florida Black Mouth Cur,
        sometimes called a cracker cur.                        Blue gray: Color definitions may vary by breed. Always check the
                                                               breed standard for the definitive color description.
        Blanket:  Solid  colour  of coat  on back  and  upper  part  of sides
        between neck and tail.                                 Blue Lacy: Is a breed of working dog that originated in Texas in
                                                               the mid-19th century. The Lacy was first recognized in 2001 by the
        Blaze:  White  stripe running up the centre  of the face  usually  Texas Senate. In Senate Resolution No. 436, the 77th Legislature
        between the eyes (e.g. Bernese Mountain Dog).          honored the Lacy as “a true Texas breed”. In June 2005, Governor
                                                               Rick Perry signed the legislation adopting the Blue Lacy as “the
        Blenheim: Rich chestnut markings on a pearly white background  official State Dog Breed of Texas”. The Lacy dog was named after
        (e.g. Cavalier King Charles and King Charles Spaniels).  the Lacy brothers  (Frank, George, Ewin, and Harry Lacy) who
                                                               moved from Kentucky to Texas in 1858, settling in Burnet County,
        Bleu de Gascogne (Grand): Is a breed of dog of the scent hound  Texas. The dog, according to the Lacy family, was a mixture of
        type, originating in France and used for hunting in packs. Today’s  English Shepherd (or perhaps coyote), greyhound, and wolf.
        breed is the descendant of a very old type of large hunting dog,
        and is an important breed in the ancestry of many other hounds.  Blue merle: A color pattern of black blotches or streaks on a blue-
        The Grand Bleu de Gascogne may descend from dogs left by  gray background. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always
        Phoenician traders, its ancestors were contemporaries with the St  check the breed standard for the definitive color description. See
        Hubert Hound and English Southern Hound, Comte de Foix kept a  Merle.
        pack in the 14th century and Henry IV of France kept a pack in the
        late 16th and early 17th centuries.                    Blue Picardy Spaniel: Is a breed of Spaniel originating in France,
                                                               from the area around the mouth of the River Somme, around the
        Bleu de Gascogne (Petite): Is a breed of dog of the scent hound  start of the 20th century. It is descended from Picardy Spaniels
        type, originating in France and used for hunting in packs. Today’s  and English Setters, and is described as a quiet breed that requires
        breed is the descendant of a very old type of large hunting dog. The  much  exercise  due to its stamina.  The  breed  is predominantly
        Petit Bleu de Gascogne is not a small (petite) dog, the name comes  known in France and Canada.
        from its use on small game.
                                                               Blue: Nearly black.
        Blinking:  Briefly  pointing  a  bird  and  then  leaving  it,  or  upon
        finding a bird, avoiding retrieving it.                Blue-cream: A coat color combining blue with cream.

        Blocking  position:  The  attempt  by  a  handler  to  influence  the  Bluetick Coonhound: Is a breed of Coonhound originating in the
        dog’s choice of obstacles in a discrimination by taking a position  United States. The Bluetick Coonhound is known for its friendly
        blocking the wrong course obstacle while showing the next correct  persona, cold nose and deep bawl mouth. It is most commonly
        obstacle.                                              used as a raccoon hunting dog, but may also be kept as a pet.

        Blocky head: A head with a square/cube-like appearance. Seen on  Bluies: Colored portions of the coat have a distinctive bluish or
        the Boston Terrier.                                    smoky cast. This coloring  is associated  with extremely  light  or
                                                               blue eyes and liver or gray eye rims, nose, and lip pigment. Color
        Blocky: Square or cube-like formation of the head.     definitions may vary by breed.

        Blooded: A dog of good breeding; pedigreed.            Blunt ears: Ears that are too short and rounded at the tips.

        Bloodhound: Is a large scent hound, originally bred for hunting  Blunt muzzle: A square muzzle typical of many breeds such as the
        deer, wild boar and, since the middle ages, for tracking people.  Mastiff and Pointers.
        Believed to be descended from hounds once kept at the Abbey
        of Saint-Hubert, Belgium, it is known to French speakers as the  Board: To feed, house, and care for a dog for a fee.
        Chien de Saint-Hubert. This breed is famed for its ability to discern
        human scent over great distances, even days later.     Bobtail: Naturally tail-less dog or a dog with a tail docked very
                                                               short. Alternative name for the Old English Sheepdog.
        Bloodline: Direct line of descent; pedigree.
                                                               Bodied up: Mature, well developed.
        Bloom: The sheen of a coat in prime condition.
                                                               Body length: In some breeds taken as the distance from point of
        Blown: When the coat is moulting or casting.           shoulder to point of buttock, in others, taken from top of withers
                                                               to set on of tail (Distance from the pro-sternum to the posterior
        Blue form:  A term used for an individual Dog Registration  portion of the pelvic girdle).

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