Page 7 - Canine-Terminology
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modify behavior.  This type of training  is better  known as  hounds of northern France of the early 19th century that displayed
        “combined training.” Balanced training implies equal amounts of  achondroplasia dwarfism.
        reinforcement  and punishment.  However, the fallout  associated
        with punishment makes such a “balance” a poor training choice.  Basset Bleu de Gascogne:  Also known as the  Blue Gascony
                                                               Basset, is a long-backed, short legged breed of dog of the hound
        Bandog: A dog tied by day, released at night.          type. The breed originated in the middle ages, descended from the
                                                               Grand Bleu de Gascogne. It nearly became extinct around the early
        Bandy legs: Bowed legs, legs that bend outward.        19th century; its salvation was attributed to one Alain Bourbon. It
                                                               is rare outside its homeland.
        Barbet:  Is a  medium-sized  French  water  dog. Depending  on
        geography  and necessity, the  barbet  connected  through  the  Basset Fauve de Bretagne: Is a short-legged hunting breed of
        centuries in various capacities, and as a companion dog, but more  dog of the scent hound type, originally from Brittany, a historical
        as an all-around working dog. The term barbet became throughout  kingdom of France. The Basset Fauve de Bretagne is a neat looking
        centuries a generic name for a dog with a long, curly, woolly coat.  hound, free from exaggeration and lively and friendly; as a scent
                                                               hound, though, he has the usual failing of becoming absorbed with
        Barrel chest: Rounded rib cage.                        what he’s scenting. He is agile enough to trouble any rabbit he
        Barrel hocks: Hocks that turn out, causing the feet to toe in. Also
        called spread hocks.                                   Basset  Griffon  Vendéen  (Grand): Is derived, like all bassets,
                                                               from hounds of superior size, in this case the Grand Griffon. The
        Barrel ribs: Rounded, well-sprung ribs.                first selections were made at the end of the 19th century by the
                                                               Comte d’Elva who was looking for subjects with “straight legs”.
        Barrel: A rib region that is round in cross section.   But it was Paul Dézamy who was especially responsible for fixing
                                                               the type. They are pack dogs, so owners should either spend a lot
        Barrier frustration: Behavior, particularly barking and lunging,  of time with them or get a second dog or a cat. They have a happy
        that occurs when a dog is prevented by a barrier from reaching a  and confident personality, which can sometimes manifest itself as
        stimulus. The barrier can be a fence or leash or anything else that  disobedience, but they are great companions.
        blocks the dog from accessing whatever it is that is exciting or
        arousing him.                                          Basset Griffon Vendéen (Petit): Is a breed of dog of the scent
                                                               hound  type,  bred  to  trail  hares  in  bramble-filled  terrain  of  the
        Barring: Striped markings.                             Vendée district of France. Petite Basset Griffon Vendéen (PBGV)
                                                               are  extroverted,  friendly,  and  independent  hounds. Sometimes
        Base coat: The primary color of the coat.              called  the  “happy  breed”,  PBGVs have  tirelessly  wagging  tails
                                                               and expressive, intelligent eyes. PBGVs are typically active and
        Basenji: A dog of a breed originally  from Africa.  The Basenji  lively. While good with children, other dogs and pets, they may
        produces an unusual yodel-like sound (commonly  called  a  be unsuitable for very young children because of their energy and
        “baroo”), due to its unusually shaped larynx. This trait also gives  tendency to play bite.
        the Basenji the nickname “barkless dog”. The name comes from
        the  Lingala  language  of  the  Congo,  mbwá  na  basɛ ́ nzi which  Basset Hound: Is a short-legged breed of dog of the hound family.
        means “villager dogs”. The Basenji is alert, energetic, curious and  The Basset is a scent hound that was originally bred for the purpose
        reserved with strangers. The Basenji tends to become emotionally  of hunting hare. Their sense of smell and ability to ground-scent
        attached to a single human. Basenjis may not get along with non-  is second only to that of the Bloodhound. Basset Hounds are one
        canine pets. Basenjis dislike wet weather, like to climb, and can  of 6 recognised basset-type breeds in France. The name Basset
        easily get over chain wire fences.                     is derived from the French word bas, meaning “low”, with the
                                                               attenuating suffix -et, together meaning “rather low”. The Basset
        Basque Shepherd Dog: Is a landrace breed of dog originating in  Hound is a friendly, outgoing, and playful dog, tolerant of children
        the Basque Country and traditionally used by the local shepherds  and other pets. They are extremely vocal and famously devoted
        to help them take care of their cattle and sheep. Perro de pastor  to tracking.  They are also widely known for being stubborn.
        vasco (pastor vasco for short) is the Spanish name, and euskal  Prospective owners must be prepared to handle bassets firmly and
        artzain  txakurra  is the Basque, by which they are known in  patiently.
        their homeland. It is believed that they originated from Central
        European herding dogs.                                 Bat ear: An ear that stands up, with a broad base, rounded at the
                                                               top, with opening facing forward. An erect ear that is broad at the
        Basset Artésien  Normand:  Is a  short  legged  hound  type  dog  base and rounded on the top (e.g. French Bulldog).
        developed  in France.  The  word basset refers to short-legged
        hounds.  The Basset  Artésien  Normand and the  more familiar  Bavarian Mountain Hound: Is a breed of dog from Germany. As
        Basset  Hound share  a  common  ancestry  in  the  short-legged  a scent hound, it has been used in Germany since the early 20th

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